Ways to contribute to Emmunify Open Wearables
Emmunify laid the foundation of this program in a UC Berkeley health hackathon. After pursuing this program for a couple of years with many partners, the founding members decided to open this concept of wearable, potable health record system and associated technology for the world. Everyone in Team Emmunify expects the following benefits of making Emmunify open:
- Patient facing product (RFID bangles, lockets etc) will mature quicker
- Healthcare provider facing tablet applications, dashboards and control center functions will be improve in quality sooner
- Integration with backend services like DHIS2 and other similar services will happen faster
- Operational costs will reduce for all applications of Emmunify
- Patient facing product (RFID bangles, lockets etc) will mature quicker
- Healthcare provider facing tablet applications, dashboards and control center functions will be improve in quality sooner
- Integration with backend services like DHIS2 and other similar services will happen faster
- Operational costs will reduce for all applications of Emmunify
Join our team
Software Development
Software Development, including:
- The application for use on the tablet that the health workers use to read and update the vaccine record on the chip
- The interface between the tablet and the cloud
- Cloud analytics and dashboard
- Reminder messages for families in local language via voice mail and SMS
- Train health workers and supervisors who will use the Emmunify tablets
- Purchase tablets for health workers and chips for each child
- Payment of supervisors
- Track vaccinations for 9 months among 50 infants
Android DeveloperNeed an experienced Android app developer to assist us with tablet and smartphone development
UX/UI DesignerNeed an UI/UX designer to make the tablet app and web portal easy to use across diverse customers around the world
Cloud EngineerNeed Cloud engineer proficient in Parse, Java, Javascript, Node.js, Jetty, TomCat